In a world that is always changing, it is comforting to know we can depend upon our Lord who is constant, dependable, and trustworthy. As a matter of fact, Scripture tells us, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8, ESV). Don’t you want friends like Jesus? Don’t you want to be the kind of friend to others as Jesus has modeled for us?
In order to have and be that kind of friend, we must aim to be reliable, godly women, first committed to God and then to one another. Reliability in friendship requires us to love, think, and act responsibly toward our friends. It stems from the overflow of our relationship with God. In a culture where people are fake, fickle, and flakey, we are called to a higher standard as Christians to reflect the nature of Christ in how we demonstrate His character toward others.
If we desire strong friendships with other women, it will cost us the investment of consistency so that reliability can be established as a foundation for the friendship. It is possible to be a good person and yet not be a reliable friend. Friendships that go the distance are marked by the durability that comes from dependability over time. No one wants a friendship that makes you question or doubt if you can really count on the person to show up, keep their word, or be responsible in the way they handle their commitment to the friendship.
1 Corinthians 1:9 (AMP) tells us, “God is faithful [He is reliable, trustworthy and ever true to His promise—He can be depended on], and through Him you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.”
Reliability in friendship has a lot to do with faithfulness. Just as God keeps His promises to us, we want to be those our friends can find trustworthy. Sadly, many women have trust issues with other women because they have experienced a lack of trust and dependability in friendship. When a friend lets you down because they have proven not to be reliable, it can be difficult to overcome and move forward in the friendship. It is almost a sure way to stunt growth and cause termination to the relationship.
Let us dedicate ourselves to being reliable friends by offering these three qualities in friendship: commitment, consistency, and conscientiousness. If we begin with commitment, then the goal is always to uphold Christ-like conduct in how we honor our friends. Being consistent in our behavior builds trust and helps others to view us as a faithful friend. Practicing conscientiousness shows we are considerate of our friends and sensitive to their feelings - not just our own interests.
I leave you with Philippians 2:3 (NKJV) that reminds us to, “Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.” Ladies, when we keep this in mind - when we highly esteem our friends as the gifts they have been given from God to us - it will become our aim to maintain flourishing friendships that are anchored in Christ Jesus. We will inevitably be a reliable friend reflecting the same friendship we share with our Lord...
Warrior Woman Blog